China - Surveillance state or way of the future?

China - Surveillance state or way of the future? | DW Documentary

After reviewing the documentary China - Surveillance state or way of the future? I do believe this level of surveillance is the way of the future. Although America is not a communist country, and says we have freedoms as a people. The true narrative of the government or the powers at be, is to control situations before they happen. Also controlling the mindset and people is also a goal for the government of powers at be. What is the cost of this technological advance? Freedom and ability to think for oneself. Children and citizens are being socialized by the internet constantly. “The question isn’t if data exists, but what are you doing with said data? Data is stored to be processed in an algorithm that lets the company predict habits within people. I feel another takeaway is the safety that it allows, but is it safety? Or overhauling control? When people feel like there being watched, that’s when we usually do the right thing. What happens when you don’t know your being watched? Are you still prone to do the right thing? From recycling your garbage properly, to parking in a handicap for 2 seconds to grab your to go order from Chick Fil a. Where do you draw the line ethically?

 Foucault's idea of power is wielded by people or groups by way of 'episodic' or 'sovereign' acts of domination or coercion, seeing it instead as dispersed and pervasive. 'Power is everywhere' and 'comes from everywhere' so in this sense its neither an agency nor a structure. In the since of China and it's surveillance. Normative would be given to the government knowing that you live in a society with a big brother system. It would cause you to be scared for your life in every situation. Society would be a better place as far as crime, but human innovation and creativity would be stifled. Everybody would do what the government wants, and everyone would technically be the same, as in belief of government.  The only thing that would divide people are the classes and wealth. So, a doctor and a nurse would have a larger gap in wealth. What is made popular will be based on the political environment. People would like all the same things and new ideas would be shunned immediately. I compare this world to "The Hunger Games" or "Maze Runners." 

Applications are the best way to log metaphysical data. Apps like Tik Tok which is a Chinese born application which is meant to log users’ algorithms from around the world. It controls a narrative and doesn’t allow any slander of China at all. If a company can shadow ban certain content. They can control the narrative of a situation and cause for information to bend in their favor. Garret Mac commented on the post and was spot on. “When a system is in place which has ultimate authority and knowledge of everyone's life it creates a position of power which can be abused to an even higher degree than previously available. Over-reliance of systems, governments, or certain people just gives them more power and opportunity to abuse. With the technology they already are over tracking and spying on the people. “Companies have promised innovative phones for low cost, but it turned out that phones from Xiaomi was giving out personal information and data.” 

This is the link to my Vlog


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